• ★★★★★

    This was a very captivating book, enjoyable for readers of all ages. It hits on all the emotions as I found myself laughing, scared, and sad along with the characters. I look forward to buying the paperback version to read through with my daughter so she can go along on the emotional journey of “the innocent rebel” with me. I’m anticipating lots of great conversations around loyalty, sacrifice, and love.

    ~ Caleb Z.

  • ★★★★★

    This book is so different from other books themed on the Revolutionary War. Others view the story from the eyes of one of the participants of the fighting while this one views the war from the eyes of in innocent young girl. While my comments might make a person think that this book is for teenagers, I don't see it that way. It gives me new view which caused me to feel a kindred spirit with the young girl and her sense of duty.

    ~ Amazon Review

  • ★★★★★

    The book was very well written. The plot was amazing, it always kept me on the edge of my seat.

    ~ Kaela, 13

  • ★★★★★

    The book’s words flowed very well with each other. The characters were so life-like they felt like real people. To be honest, the book was better than a very popular series on the Revolutionary War which I was reading right before this one.

    ~ Amos, 15